CNS Vital Signs
What is CNS-VS assessment?
CNS Vital Signs is an online test that utilizes scientifically proven, objective, and reliable series of computerized neuropsychological assessments to evaluate the neurocognitive status of the person. It covers a range of mental processes from simple motor performance, attention, memory, to executive functions (as shown below in the photos). It also contains over 50 well-known evidence-based clinical and quality measure (behaviors, symptoms, comorbidities, quality-of-life) rating scales. Immediately following the assessment, the software automates a standardized scoring of the patient assessment eliminating variability and rater bias (as shown below in the photos). The assessment platform auto-scores and generates user-friendly reports with summary dashboards, individual responses, and longitudinal views. The neurocognitive report presents the raw test scores, domain scores with a comparison of age-adjusted norms, and an overall neurocognition index.

Who should consider doing CNS Vital Signs assessment at the BHB Clinic?
Any person presenting with a complaint of cognitive or brain related deficits/ decline, or neurological and psychiatric conditions may benefit from being evaluated. The test was designed to be self-administered; however, younger children and older adults who take the test often need a family member with them to ensure that they understand the instructions.
Who should not take CNS Vital Signs assessment?
Individuals who are unable to read or have visual problems should not take CNS Vital Signs. CNS Vital Signs is not appropriate for older adults who are ‘severely’ demented. Individuals with brain cognition assessment scores (via MOCA or MMSE) less than 20 may not be able to perform some of the more complicated tests.
What are the optimal test taking conditions?
The assessment is ideally administered in a quiet environment with minimal interruptions either in the Brain Health and Biofeedback clinic or the person’s house. A separate testing room is ideal; however, it is not necessary.
What are the benefits of this assessment?
Cognitive function is an important biomarker for many conditions e.g., neurocognitive disorders due to aging, ADHD, concussion, etc. Neurocognitive function can be measured with valid millisecond precision through this test. A person suffering from problems with motor speed and accuracy, short-term or long-term memory, response time can be evaluated via this type of assessment. This test has shown significant benefits for a person suffering from:
Cancer & Multiple Sclerosis cognition
Brain injury rehabilitation (TBIs/ Concussion)
Memory - Healthy aging
Occipital lobe dysfunction
Clinical case studies can be accessed here.
“What gets measured, gets improved.”
Call us on 03 471 9398 or email us at, and our helpful BHBC team will provide more information.